Capricorne Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Look Before You Leap

Every day, more and more people are becoming ever increasingly discontented with the daily rat race, and direct their interest to starting a home-based business.

For most people, once this threshold is reached, the desire to start working from home is so overpowering that they become vulnerable to making poor choices in the opportunity they eventually embrace.

As a result, most fail miserably, and its not usually through lack of determination, but several other reasons that can be responsible for their dream turning into a nightmare. It is the dream of staying at home, and enjoying the kids growing up, of working your own hours, of extra money, and of financial freedom. A worthy goal.

In the past, there have been many work at home opportunities banded about. Multi-level business opportunities selling everything from personal care, cosmetics, jewellery, hardware, to vitamins and even electrical goods. There have been the mail order catalogue opportunities, and the party plans. These opportunities have made people money, and the rare few wealthy, but they have also cost a lot of people a great deal of wasted time, money and effort.

One of the reasons is inexperience. People have spent years developing the qualifications and skills for their day job, but expect to start a home business and become wealthy almost overnight. Its a well known fact that over 50% of all new small businesses fail in the first year, and 95% fail within the first five years, and were not talking about home-based business here, were talking about all small businesses.

Inexperienced people join MLMs, (good companies like Amway), while others join money making schemes after attending a meeting somewhere, and yet all these people expect to succeed within a few months and become wealthy. What they dont realise is that it takes time to succeed, and as with any business, investment.

Financial investment and time investment.

If you go by facts and figures, the statistics are against them. They are against any new small business venture, but especially against some home-based opportunities, because the very nature of the business has people working long hours, often door to door for little profit. People end up burned out, tired, frustrated, and quit feeling very guilty because they are told such things as Winners never quit.

Why become part of a work at home opportunity that is like a regular job?

Another reason people fail is because they are told it is only temporary. If you build your network, and duplicate yourself they are told, you will soon have enough volume that you wont have to work as hard, and you will have a recurring monthly income. So some people plod on and on becoming more and more disillusioned as their people quit after a few months. Its usually the people who have some of the necessary skills already that manage to forge ahead, and unfortunately many of those who havent, just havent the time or the money to gather those skills. Some will make it, and some will excel, but the majority of them will just quit.

When you base your future income on the efforts of others, its a two edged sword. It cuts both ways, but like any sword it usually cuts better on the down stroke.

Another reason that many businesses fail is they offer products that nobody really wants. To put it another way, there is not a strong market for the product. John Paul Gettys formula for making money was, find a product that is needed, find a product that is consumable, find a product that is affordable, find a product that is guaranteed to work, and then sell it. If you were selling cold soft drinks, would you rather sell them on a cold winters day or on a sunny hot summer afternoon at the beach?

If JP Getty were alive today, I guess he would add another qualification, that the people behind the product or service have a proven track record of success, and are not simply out to take peoples money and run.

The problem is many of the home-business opportunities out there today that are not so good, have promotions that sound every bit as good as anyone elses. If you are looking for a home-based business opportunity, decide what you want from it, and then examine it carefully. Check with the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission, and the internet scam warning web sites for information. Run a Google search for company name + scam. Go to and check there.

Be extremely wary of any opportunity that wants a large purchase up front. Many of these opportunities show you cheques of hundreds of dollars earned within a few weeks to entice you to join. In many cases it is because the new member has been persuaded to pay a large amount up front for a never to be repeated introductory offer.

Be wary of money schemes on the internet that appear to be just that. They spring up on a weekly basis, just as fast as the authorities can shut them down. Many people have invested reasonable sums of money and watched their online earning grow, only for the company to be shut down before they can get their money out.

So are all opportunities set to fail?

Not at all.

There are many ways to make money from home, but perhaps more now than ever, the best way forward is still the Internet.


Because the business of Internet Marketing can be taught. There are many successful people online who have started with nothing and built businesses turning over from many thousands of dollars monthly, to millions of dollars yearly over a decade or more.

2006 has been a booming year for Internet Marketers. There has been a phenomenal amount of high quality training information released by top internet earners.

An internet business can be fully automated. It is possible to do the work by spending weeks not months, setting up systems, (or having them set up for you), to have your web site and your computer sell for you unattended, and for the first time ever this goal is within the reach of ordinary people to achieve by learning from people with proven track records of success from the convenience of their own home, at a pace, and at a time convenient to them.

There are many areas of Internet Marketing that you can choose from, Ebay, Affiliate Marketing (selling someone elses product or service), information products, software products, training (audio and video).

No, its not a get rich quick scheme, and no its not an automatic guarantee of success because people are people, and believe it or not approximately 50% of people who buy teaching courses dont open the cover, or only get as far as the first couple of chapters. But with a high quality training course, that will take you by the hand and lead you step by step with written training material, and both audio and video training from a company with a proven track record over a number of years, there is no reason why the average person can not make a nice income from the internet.

For example, Inspiration Point and 6M Profit Method headed by Lisa Diane, a business woman who thirteen years ago started from scratch, and who developed a closely guarded marketing blueprint to success, which she uses to generate millions of dollars annually, brought her expertise to the internet in the last few years. In the last few months she has opened her secret blueprint for success to the masses, and founded the 6M community where people who have bought her training program, backed by her proven track record and personal commitment, can get ongoing training, and frequently her personal advice for as long as they remain a member of the community.

What is it you really want from a home business?

What is your focus?

Whatever your choice, make it an informed one!

Article by Mark McGimpseyLandry Blog89526
Defunts Blog56765

Buying A Used Car: Assessing Your Needs

If you are buying a used car, you probably want to save some money. This means that you need to prioritize what is most important to you in a car. This article will help you assess your needs and your wants, so that you can find a car that suits you perfectly.


Look at the cost of a car. There is no point in window shopping at fully-loaded $40,000 trucks if you will only be able to afford a $4,000 truck in the first place. When you are establishing your budget for your car, be sure to account for how much the insurance will likely be, how much gas you will be spending (although this figure does change, it is best to go in having at least an idea), and regular maintenance. To budget for maintenance, you will need estimate the costs of 4 oil changes a year, plus some extra money just in case. Used cars are, well, used: they arent new are generally not under warranty. If you want a warranty, consider buying a used car from the dealership, who can often offer warranties even on used vehicles.


What kind of driving do you do? You probably dont need a four-wheel drive behemoth of an SUV if you do mostly city driving. Conversely, if you live on a gravel road, you might feel more comfortable driving in winter if you have something larger than a neon. For most drivers, the way that you drive a car will mean that you are open to many options. However, if this is a limiting factor, it is important to take into consideration.

If you are a commuter, then you will have to take other factors into consideration. You might not want to buy a car with a very high mileage, because you will be adding the miles to that odometer. You might want to find a car that has very comfortable seats to make your ride go better. Things that could be less important, like the stereo, become much more important when you spend a lot of time in your car each day.


Some people would rather have a car that looks good or prestigious. Its okay to admit that you are one of those people. For instance, for $3,500 you might be able to buy a 6 year old Honda civic; this same money could also buy you a much older BMW. If you value appearances, dont lie to yourself when you are shopping. You want to get a car that you will love, and theres no point looking at Ford Focuses if the only thing that will spark your delight is a Ford Mustang.


How many people do you normally travel with? What is the most number of people that you have taken in your current car at once? If you dont already have a car, estimate the number of people you will have with you on a regular basis. If you only drive around 7 people during the hockey tournament once a year, you can probably skip buying a minivan. However, if you normally drive three people around, it might be a pain to get a two door vehicle. For truck drivers, you will want to consider the amount of load that you generally put in the back of your truck to help you judge your purchase.

Your Loan

Not only do you want to get the right car, you want to get the right car loan. It is wiser to have your financing lined up before you go to a dealership. You can set up used car loans at any bank: but one often overlooked type of used car loan is to go to a credit union, where you can generally get lower interest than at a major bank. For more information on loans, (and we wont even try to sell you a loan!) visit

In the End

You will be the one driving. Make the decisions based on your needs and what you feel is right. Though it is great to get lots of advice (and sometimes it helps to take someone savvy about mechanics along with you to check out the car), considering these facts will help make you capable of choosing the right car.

Andrew Dillan is the editor of He is an automotive enthusiast, who currently drives a used car of his own. Find out about how to finance your car, boat, motorcycle, or RV from his information-only site.Juste Blog52190
Golf Blog80471

How SEO Companies Create Gateway Pages

If you are thinking of hiring a professional SEO expert or a search engine positioning company one thing you might want to ask them is whether or not they are intending to create doorway pages, also known as gateway pages to optimize your site. This is a common tact of many SEO companies that is used to propel websites to the top of the search engine pages quickly but it is not necessarily a technique that is embraced or condoned by the search engines themselves. This works as long as a search engine like Google does not catch you and penalize you for spamming.

Still creating these gateway or doorway pages is the main service that search engine optimization experts actually enhance a site. What are they exactly? They are pages that these search engine-positioning companies create independent of your site that are stuffed with keywords and then submitted to the search engines. Of course these pages also have a link to your site.

Creating all of these pages is easier for these SEO companies then you think. Many of them use automated software like WebPosition Gold (WPG) to generate pages that will rank high for a search engine. Using a program like this an SEO company can create different doorway pages that are tailored to attract the different

These positioning companies will even go to the trouble to create different gateway pages for each search engine, using the WPG Page Critic function. This tool tells Webmasters what keyword density each engine supposedly wants to see (based on past results), and how many times you should put particular keyword phrases into the text and meta tags of the gateway pages. Rather than spend thousands on a professional you can get a copy of this program or one like it for under $200 (and even less if you look for similar products on Clickbank.)

Chris Angus is a website Promoter He can be contacted at chris (at)

Chris Angus is a website Promoter He can be contacted at chris (at) Blog75856
Croix Blog33700

New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 8 )

There is really nothing else we can do, said the chief physician with a deep sigh.We must now wait.A horrible emptiness overcame me. We had not come this far to lose. First, losing all our material possessions years earlier,then losing my father*, and now the chance oflosing my wife? No! My heart screamed out in protest,as if by sheer force of will I could change the course of destiny. No! She will again recover as she has done so many times before. But a still, small voice whispered, John, you may say good-bye now.

I walked back into the room and looked at her sleeping so peacefully on the bed. They had administered some of the strongest pain killers to make her as comfortable as possible. Holding her hand,I whispered,This is only a blink in eternity. Wherever you go, I will find you. And then the tears came. Suddenly the room appeared to take on a brilliant glow, accompanied by the sound of music from afar.

I became quiet. Leaning over, I kissed her on the forehead, stepped back, took one last look, turned and walked out of the room. A few minutes later, a doctor walked up to me,shook her head sadly, and with deep sympathy in her voice, said,Shes gone. Im really very sorry.On that summer day far from the little village where I was born,a light went out inside of me. The mounting darkness deepened into a hideous void and I could no longer see the sense or purpose of living. Life seemed such a fragile affair, here one moment and gone the next.

Yet, even as I wept, a nobler part of me was already whispering the hope that every soul needs on its journey home. A part of me knew that from the depths of despair would emerge an understanding far greater than any I had ever known. In the days and nights ahead, there would be times of sadness, moments of loneliness and periods of reflection. But ever afterwards, there would be a sense of purpose that would lead me on. Though no longer would I see her face or outer semblance, I knew that forever Mardai would be with me. I believe that we are all bound throughout eternity to that which we love; that neither heaven nor Earth can ever separate souls who choose to be together. One soul might go ahead for a while, but the other always catches up.

Thus ended one phase of my life as another began. All endings lead to new beginnings. The closing of one door foreshadows the opening of another, and yet, at times, I wonder why there are doors at all.

To read the rest of the story visit

Lecturer, entrepreneur and MBA business consultant, John Harricharan is the author of the award-winning book, "When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat." For more information, visit:, http://www.innerpeaceandbalance.comKayla Blog78885
Inconnue Blog41954

Attention Adults: Is Multitasking a Detriment to Our Productivity?

That's an interesting question, and the answer you receive will more than likely be different depending on whom you ask. In my not-so-humble opinion, my answer is, "It depends."

A copout answer? I don't think so. Here's why:

If studies are correct in implying that women are naturally gifted in multitasking because our corpus callosum (the part of the brain that is the "mediator" of sorts between the left and right hemispheres) is wider than our male counterparts, why wouldn't women want to capitalize on that gift? On the other hand, there's the 2001 study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology (Rubinstein, Meyers, & Evans) that examines the limitations and time costs of multitasking- particularly when switching between more complex tasks.

Let's take driving as a practical example. While I doubt anyone would argue the fact that it's not a good idea to try and manipulate a cell phone while driving, one wonders where we draw the line. Is it the conversation that's distracting the driver, or is it that both hands need to be on the wheel, or some combination? What about conversations between driver and passenger (so long as they're amicable and do not produce stress)? Or the radio? Or listening to audio books and courses? After all, I heard Brian Tracy say to make your car a university on wheels! I took that advice to heart in the mid-90s!

If you're driving somewhere habitually (e.g., to and from work), then your unconscious competence kicks in, which could arguably enable you, for example, to have that pleasant conversation with your passenger or (if you have a headset piece on) a pleasant cell phone conversation. And the radio can be quite benign, says the girl who never drives in silence, regardless of where she's going!

So while multitasking might not be for everyone, I would argue that it can be beneficial to some when at least one task taps into your unconscious competence (i.e., anything that doesn't take much conscious thought to do successfully-like breathing!) and does not conflict with another cognitive process. I believe the odds of successfully accomplishing two simultaneous activities can increase without a decrease in productivity in either task if you have a whole brain orientation, rather than one hemisphere being more dominant than the other.

For example, you could combine doing housework, a physical activity that is more than likely ingrained (unconscious competence strikes again!), while learning from audio lessons on your iPod or CD player-a mental activity. I've successfully ironed, folded laundry, washed dishes, and gardened, all while learning tons from various and sundry MP3 classes I've put on my iPod. A friend of mine just told me his day went by really fast as he painted his new fence (something he'd rather not do) while enjoying Paul Simon's latest.

I've even learned about entity structuring and asset protection while illustrating the children's book I wrote and was engaged in both activities with no problems. I believe it was because there was not a cognitive conflict involved.

But you might run into problems with multitasking if you're trying to carry on a conversation with someone while checking your email, for example. You're using the same cognition with these two tasks, and as a result neither task gets the full attention it deserves. And the person you're talking to face to face (or even on the phone) may feel a bit put off.

Some argue that you should start with one task and keep working on it until you've finished it. That may be natural for many, but what about those who thrive best by "flitting" between tasks, even if it's sometimes a purely psychological benefit? Barbara Sher describes these types of people as "scanners."

In college, when we studied for our exams-especially during finals week--many of us cyclically spent fixed amounts of time on each subject to avoid driving ourselves crazy. And I'll be the first to admit that instrumental music (jazz or classical) was on while I was studying. My mind would wander in total silence, otherwise. In fact, I'm listening to contemporary jazz as I write this article! Listening to music with words I'm familiar with, however, would pose a problem for me because I would want to sing along.

I'm certainly not arguing against the power of focus, though. Heavens no! The power of focus is responsible for all sorts of wonderful outcomes. We're often in the flow, have clarity, and lose track of time when the power of focus is doing its job. When I'm really engaged in a wonderfully insightful book, and especially when I'm composing and producing my song ideas, I'm 100% present in that process, and no one had better disturb me while I'm in the throes of that creative outlet!

Then again, notable psychologist, B.F. Skinner believed that many people miss great opportunities when they adhere to finishing a preconceived plan when something unexpectedly interesting comes up. He believed that you should pursue that "something unexpectedly interesting" to see where it takes you in the name of accidental creativity.

Alexander Fleming did it when he discovered penicillin from mold, of all things, that formed when he exposed deadly bacteria he was studying to air. I've had many bouts of accidental creativity when I played an unintended chord or musical interval that sounded cooler than what my mind's ear originally heard.

I've often said that no "one size fits all" strategy exists in our approach to getting things done. What works for some people may not work for others. So I encourage you to consider circumstances, intuition, and discernment as criteria to evaluate when deciding whether myopia or multitasking is the best route for you.

Copyright (c) 2006 - Carol Dickson-CarrCascades Blog90573
Flocons Blog85039

Real Estate Tips On Finding A Business Partner

Think you can get ahead faster with a business partner? It is important to remember that approximately 80% of business partnerships dont work. The odds are very high that any real estate group in which you are involved in may not survive. Cautiously enter into your investment group with watchful eyes. Here are some key factors to consider.

Make sure your goals and objectives are consistent with the rest of the group. Are you committed to working at all hours of the day to get the job done? Well, what about your partner? You know what skills you have. You know your strengths and your weaknesses. If your partners are your friends and relatives, you probably have a clear idea as to what skills they can bring to the table. However, when your joining an investment group of strangers, its important to clarify exactly what, if any, skills they will bring to the overall collective objective. Sometimes your investors will simply put their money into the project and not actually participating in any work that needs to be completed.

Consider the liquidity of the investment. How quickly can you get your money out of your Fraser Valley Real Estate investment? You should not invest money you cannot afford to loose. This is the golden rule and it should be applied to real estate in all areas of the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland area. For example: Richmond, Surrey, Coquitlam, Burnaby, New West, Langley and Abbotsford. In practical terms, most investments are tied up for the duration of the deal. This issue of course is a critical one. This has a direct correlation with liability of your investment. You want to avoid personal liability for any financial problems that can occur. If you are investing in a corporation that is holding the property for the group and the corporation has taken out a mortgage with a lender, the lender may require personal guarantees from the shareholders of the corporation. That would be YOU!

Consider When investing with a group is getting out of control, how to get out? Why not a buy out! Make sure there is a procedure to follow before you get into a concrete group investment. Know the buy out terms before the money is put onto the table. Your Fraser Valley Real Estate investment should always be safe and secure. Whether your buying a condo, apartment, townhouse, house or mobile home in British Columbia, remember to cover you assets.

Shane Toews is a Licenced Realtor who helps others to educate themselves about current real estate issues. He also provides assistance on how to find quality homes, apartments or vacation rentals in Canada's Fraser Valley area. Kayla Blog78885
Ersatz Blog3445

Remote Controls Galore--Replacement Remotes

The other day we lost our remote control. Being of the older generation I told my grandkids to not panic and just go push the button on the television. They thought grandma was crazy. The buttons are on the remote they are not on the TV, those are just decorations.

The next few moments were taken up by an explanation that remote controls are rather new. That they were not invented in the beginning. Of course, they were astounded that we used to have to get up everytime we wanted to change channels. How were we able to surf all the channels? Well there were only three it was no big deal.

Now we have remote controls for many of our modern appliances. It started with the TV remote and has spread rapidly throughout our lives. VCR, DVd, Stereo, Home Theatre, Cars, so amny remote controls that now we are purchasing organizers four our remote controls. There are so many that the next step will be to hire someone to program them all for our use.

The earliest remote was developed in 1893 by Nikola Tesla and was given a patent number even. There were other remotes in 1903, 1932 which was the first remote controlled model aeroplane. The First TV remote was in the early 1950s and was unofficially called Lazy Bones. In the 1970s more complex TV remote controls were being developed.

In the 1980s Steve Wozniak of Apple developed a remote control that could operate multiple electronic devices.

Then in the early 2000s the number of consumer electronic devices in homes increased. On an average American homes today have 4 remotes. A home theatre itself can require as many as 5 or 6 remotes, one for the cable or satellite receiver, VCR, or digital video recorder, DVD player, TV and audio amplifier.

Today remotes can also be used in industry, in space and of course for video games. So what do you do when one of them gets lost? Do you go back to the store where they will tell you that they will need to order it for you, maybe. Or you could go on the internet and type in Replacement Remotes. There are several good sites that offer name brand replacement remotes.

So after you get that last remote replaced you better invest in a location beeper to install on the remote or remotes as the case may be in your home.

Caroline Mackay is a retired teacher of thirty seven years and writer and producer of many school programs. She is the host of and Blog7129
Frederic Blog21128

Make Your Wedding Favors for Cheap!

The question most brides-to-be or couples getting married have is How do I make wedding favors for cheap? Before I begin to answer this question, I want to establish one thing. When using the word cheap, it doesnt mean that youre not giving it all you have. Youve already spent a lot of money to make this day perfect. Therefore, here are some cheap or inexpensive ways to make wedding favors. Save yourself a little money, you could even use it on the honeymoon!!

Here are some really cool ideas to save money and get two things done at once:

Flower Arrangements

Make a small flower arrangement for each table setting. This can serve as both a favor for your guest and decorations for the table. You can normally find little glass containers at Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store for pretty cheap. Add some of your favorite flower(s) or a flower of your favorite color. You can even make it seasonal depending on when your wedding is. Have fun! Be creative!


I know, everybody suggests candles for wedding favors. But find your favorite shape or scent and give each of your guests a small candle. This will make it personal for your guest. It will tell your guest you wanted them there and make them feel special. Use tulle and/or ribbon to make it more festive!

Small Frames One of my favorites!

You can find small frames and make them place card holders. Each of your guest will have a frame to take home with them. If you dont want to assign seating, put a special message or quote in each frame. Your guest will have a special way of remembering you!

Wine Glass Markers

Make wine glass markers with some wire and beads. Then find a small box and wrap ribbon around it. You need one for each guest. It will also be helpful to keep each others wine glasses separate!

Personalized CD of you and your fiances favorite songs!

You can buy CDs at Office Depot, Staples, Wal-Mart, etc for cheap. Then decide on 10 or so songs to put on there. Burn them to the CD; attach a label or write on each one. You can buy print-on labels wherever you buy the CDs. Then give each guest one! Its a cool personal gift.

You can pull off your big day and save some money. Dont make it look cheap either. Make and create your wedding favors for cheap!! You can do it!! Remember to have fun and be creative!!!

Ashley Beck, President of AffordableWeddingSecrets, looks over all the resources on saving money on your wedding and shares the best with you! I want to give you a free report on How To Save Money on Wedding Favors at Blog27656
Elisabeth Blog89775

Grilling Steak Tips Win Hearts with Succulent Steaks

Count the number of times you stared at the mere sight of grilled steaks and barbecues served on the table! Actually, it is all the doing of the great Grilling art that gives BBQs and steaks their irresistible flavors and looks. You too can dish up lip smacking, shapely steaks if you follow some infallible steak grilling tips. By the way, grilling is not just a process, it is more about preparations and involvement, as you will understand from the following steak grilling tips:

Going ahead with the practical details of the grilling process, the first thing you will have to ensure is the quality of the raw material. Regardless of whether you are grilling fish or beef shoulders, tenderloin or sirloin steaks, the bottom line is fresh raw materials make the best steaks.

Steaks or fillets in the range 1.25 inches to 2.25 inches grill well. A little fat enhances the taste of a bar-b-q but too much of it causes the meat to shrink. Fat, likewise, adds to the palatability of the grilled steak, but then it also increases health risks. Therefore, a healthy tip would be to remove excess fat.

The next sets of steak grilling tips are regarding seasoning processes. You can season the steak with salt and pepper however, some prefer vegetable oil brushings along with salt and pepper seasoning or bbq rubs . Leaving the seasoning-coated steak for 30 minutes at room temperature will treat the meat, making it tender and augmenting its natural flavor. Two tablespoons of melted unsalted butter added to the seasoning will give the meat extra delicate flavor.

Now, getting down to the real grilling business, the first tip for you would be regarding the grill itself. You need to preheat the grill before placing the fish or meat steak. Follow this with oiling the grates if you are grilling some meat steak. For a fish steak, you can place a thin hole-poked foil on the grates, thus preventing the fish from sticking.

The most important section of steak grilling tips deal with the doneness of the steak. A rare-done steak has tender, soft core enveloped in a seared outer layer. A medium-done steak is more evenly cooked with a brown exterior and semi-firm inner layers. Well-done steaks, on the other hand, are firm to the core.

The best way to ensure that a steak is cooked to your desired degree of doneness is to use a thermometer. Do not use forks or spatulas. They would puncture the steak causing the juice to flow out. A rare-done meat should be ready by the time the thermometer reads 140 on the Fahrenheit scale. Similarly, the ideal temperatures for medium-cooked and well-cooked steaks are 160 and 170 respectively. Remember, the cooking process continues even after you take the steak off the grill.

Equipped with these steak grilling tips you will be able to floor your guests. It would be worthwhile to keep some extra servings ready, for your guests might ask additional helpings of succulent grilled bbq sauce and steaks.

At InsaneChicken's Hot Sauce Store Chris McCarthy will help you explore the world of gourmet hot sauce and bbq sauce from around the globe.Croix Blog33700
Larissa Blog73885

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools

With the increasing cost of college education, you surely would want to know the different possibilities wherein you can study and earn a degree without paying so much or without paying at all. Sounds familiar?

What about scholarship for college students?

Now thats more familiar.

But getting familiar with the phrase would not give you any result and would not even let you finish college for free. You still have to know the types of scholarship for college student so that you can choose which one is right for you.

You see, not all scholarships are created equal. Some have certain criteria and others have certain requirements. Each has its own sets of rules for qualification set by the sponsor. But for the basic knowledge about the different college scholarships offered, here are the things you should know:

Academic scholarship for college students

This is probably the most famous type of college scholarship. Here, students are awarded with free education provided that they pass an entrance examination for scholarship or finished high school with honors or, passed whatever requirements the sponsor have set. Most colleges and universities offer this type of scholarship. Academic scholars would have to maintain certain grade to keep their education free.

For private organizations that offer academic scholarship, rules on maintaining certain grade are less strict than colleges and universities. This though does not mean that private organizations are more lenient to their scholars. This only means that colleges and universities can watch the status of their academic scholars closely since they have the access to the school records.

Athletic scholarship for college students

Finishing college through athletic scholarship is another way to study for less or even for free. It is a given fact that many students dream of becoming an athlete on their school mainly because athletes are awarded with free education. The thing is: since it may be easier to play sports than to become excellent in academics, competition among students is fierce.

Meanwhile, there are private institutions that award athletic scholarships to students. And their system works the same as colleges and university grants.

Departmental scholarship for college students

Many college and university departments offer scholarships for two reasons: to attract more students to study in their department, and to maintain students who wish to move to another department.

These 3 are not the only scholarship grants that could bet. But basically, these 3 are given most of the time.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog33509
Juillet Blog82050

Hybrid Cars Save Money

Hybrid Cars Save Money If you have been sitting on the fence about deciding to purchase a Hybrid car, you no longer have any excuse to be squeamish. Consumer Reports just released a study this August that confirms that Hybrid cars will in fact save you money over the long run.

The combination of generous tax credits along with the fuel saving nature of these vehicles is what makes them a good long term value. The difference in up front cost between a hybrid and its traditional counterpart is often between $1200 and $7000. Thats a wide gap, and can be enough to leave you wondering if its worth it.

The good news is that if you act fast and purchase your new Hybrid car before the tax credits phase out in 2007, alot of that upfront additional cost will come back to you in the form of a tax credit. Meanwhile, you will enjoy long term savings on fuel costs.

Did you know that as of 2006, Hybrids account for only 1% of new car sales in the US? As gas prices rise, the ratio will likely change as people seek to cut costs out of rising fuel prices. Unfortunately, if you wait too long you will no longer be able to take advantage of the tax credits that are being phased out. If you are considering purchasing a Hybrid car, you are better to do it now.

The study, conducted by Consumer Reports assumes that you keep your Hybrid car for several years, long enough to notice the difference in cost of filling up. Of course, the more you drive to work, school, or on vacation, the faster and greater your savings will add up.

If you are researching Hybrid cars, be sure to check out This site lists updated information on all makes and models of Hybrids available and soon to be available.

Amber Lowery is an author and webmaster. You can read more about Hybrid cars by visiting her site: or by visiting: http://hybrid.autobuyerworld.infoFabrice Blog45077
Geraud Blog17009

The Point of Getting Exactly the Right Pointe Shoe

Some of us more than others need to work on getting pain relief, even after we discover exactly the right fit - or as close as we can get - in our pointe shoe.

The point I am making, is, that there is a very fine tuning that we can learn, and we tune our focus as finely as we tune our decision, to make this is easy as possible.

To add to what I've written before on, here is a more detailed process.

Put on the new shoes with all the toe-protective padding you intend to wear. Just walk around the house for a few minutes. Wear a pair of socks over them so you don't get them scuffed. Take care to walk going through the foot just as you do in bare feet - hah - or as close to that as you can get. You'll get some feel for the shoe.

If there is very little pressure and pain, great. This shoe is not giving too much resistance.

If it hurts at certain points on your foot, try adjusting the padding. Walk around some more.

This walking around with your pointe shoes on probably won't feel that great, and don't get a blister from doing so. You are simply stress- testing before you get into class.

Here's something you can do to mould the shoe more to your foot, if you have places that the shoe is really pressing on: you boil some water and pour it into the shoe. Roll it around inside, getting it all over, for a few seconds. Pour it out. Then you put on your shoes, with padding, and walk around for a while. The shoe will soften and mould to your foot shape. Then you can take your pointe shoes off, and let them dry out thoroughly. They will stiffen up in the shape of the pressure from your feet. Custom made as it were.

Do not do any rises or releves in the shoes when they are soft from the boiling water.

Exception: if you have very low arches and insteps, it's a good idea to do a few rises when the shoes are soft. This will help break them in, as you will not break them as if you had a very high arch that will snap the shoes immediately. Remove the shoes and place them where they will dry quickly.

Always let the shoes dry out quickly and thoroughly after class. This will help give them some longevity.

The more you focus on this proper use of your pointe shoes, the more you will get out of your pointe classes. Fighting the shoe and fighting the pain is a waste of your concentration. It creates too much tension, anxiety, and deprives you of the joy of being elegant and artistic.

Art is something that happens on a soul level. You don't want to be faint from the pain, in chasing that elusive muse of your inner being's expression.

In my first two years at The National Ballet School of Canada I felt pretty intimidated. Pointe classes were awful. I didn't know that my shoes did not fit - nothing close to! I was told that they would hurt, and they did. I wondered how everyone else did it....hopefully some of my fellow classmates lucked out and their shoes felt better! However, I did get a couple of permanent painful conditions from not having exactly the right fit.

Take a lot of time buying shoes, initially. Don't worry about bothering anybody. Once you are in class, bother your teacher if the shoes prevent you from doing the movements in any way. Good ballet teachers love it when students bother them with details!

And always give yourself the time at home to prepare your pointe shoes.

Dianne M. Buxton is a graduate of the National Ballet School of Canada. She taught at, and choreographed for The National Ballet School, York University, and George Brown College, in Canada, and taught at Harvard University in the U.S. Click here for ballet shoes, pointe shoes, strengthening exercises, dance news, dance books, diet and health for dancers,DVD's and more.Andre Blog23005
Marietta Blog5999

An Introduction to Weather Normalization of Utility Bills for Alternative Energy Contractors


More and more, alternative energy contractors want to prove to customers the savings they expect. Customers often want to know that they have saved the energy and costs they were originally promised. From the customers’ viewpoint, the simplest and most understandable proof of energy savings comes from a simple comparison of electricity bills. Did the system save on electricity costs or not?(1) In theory, a simple comparison of pre-installation bills to post-installation bills, and you will see if you have saved.

But if it is so easy, why write a paper on this? Well, it isn’t so easy. Let’s find out why.

Figure 1.1: Expected Pre and Post-Retrofit usage for chilled water system retrofit. (

Suppose a solar energy contractor installed a new solar electric system for a building. One likely would expect to see energy and cost savings from this retrofit. Figure 1.1 presents results our alternative energy contractor might expect.

But what if, instead, the bills presented the disaster shown in Figure 1.2?

Figure 1.2: A disaster of a project? Comparison of Pre-Retrofit and Post-Retrofit data (

Imagine showing a customer these results after they have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in your system. It is hard to inspire confidence in your abilities with results like this.

How should the solar energy contractor present this data to customer? Do you think the contractor would be feeling confident about the job, and about getting referrals for future solar projects? Probably not. The customer might simply look at the figures and, since figures don’t lie, conclude they have hired the wrong contractor, and that the solar system doesn’t work very well!

There are many reasons the system may not have delivered the expected savings. A possibility is that the project is delivering savings, but the summer after the installation was much hotter than the summer before the installation. Hotter summers translate into higher air conditioning loads, which could result in higher utility bills.

Hotter Summer >> Higher Air Conditioning Load >> Higher Summer Utility Bills

In our example, we are claiming that because the post-installation weather was hotter, the solar electric project looked like it didn’t save any energy, even though it really did. Imagine explaining that to customers!

If the weather really was the cause of the higher usage, then how could you ever use utility bills to measure savings from solar energy projects? Your savings numbers would be at the mercy of the weather. Savings numbers would be of no value at all (unless the weather was the same year after year).

Our example may appear a bit exaggerated, but it begs the question: Could weather really have such an impact on savings numbers?

It can, but usually not to this extreme. The summer of 2005 was the hottest summer in a century of record-keeping in Detroit, Michigan. There were 18 days at 90F or above, compared to the usual 12 days. In addition, the average temperature in Detroit was 74.8F compared to the normal 71.4 F. At first glance, 3 degrees doesn’t appear significant, however, if you convert the temperatures to cooling degree days(2), as shown in Figure 1.3, the results look dramatic. Just comparing the June through August period, there were 909 cooling degree days in 2005 as compared to 442 cooling degree days in 2004.

That is more than double! Cooling Degree Days are roughly proportional to relative building cooling requirements. For Detroit then, one can infer that an average building required (and possibly consumed) more than twice the amount of energy for cooling in the summer of 2005 than the summer of 2004. It is likely that in the Upper Midwestern United States there were several solar contractors who faced exactly this problem!

Figure 1.3: Cooling Degree Days in Detroit, Michigan for 2004 and 2005 (

How is a solar energy contractor going to show savings from a solar electric system under these circumstances? A simple comparison of utility bills will not work, as the expected savings will get buried beneath the increased cooling load. The solution would be to somehow apply the same weather data to the pre- and post-installation bills. Then there would be no penalty for extreme weather. This is exactly what weather normalization does. To show savings from a retrofit (or good alternative energy practice), and to avoid our disastrous example, an alternative energy contractor should normalize the utility bills for weather, so that changes in weather conditions will not compromise the savings numbers.

The practice of normalizing energy bills to weather with energy software is catching on, with more and more energy managers, energy engineers, and contractors correcting their bills for weather because they want to be able to prove that they are actually saving energy from their efforts. This process has many names: weather correction, weather normalization, tuning to weather, tuning, or weather regression.


Rather than compare last year’s usage to this year’s usage, when we use weather normalization, we compare how much energy we would have used this year to how much energy we did use this year. Many in our industry do not call the result of this comparison, “Savings”, but rather “Usage Avoidance” or “Cost Avoidance” (if comparing costs). But, since we are trying to keep this chapter at an introductory level, we will simply use the word Savings.

When we tried to compare last year’s usage to this year’s usage, we saw Figure 1.2, and a disastrous project. We used the equation:

Savings = Last year’s usage – This year’s usage

When we normalize for weather, the same data results in Figure 1.4, and uses the equation:

Savings = How much energy we would have used this year – This year’s usage

Figure 1.4: Comparison of Baseline and Actual (Post-Retrofit) data with Weather Correction (

The next question is, how do we figure out how much energy we would have used this year? That is where weather normalization comes in.

First, we select a year of utility bills(3) to which we want to compare future usage. This would typically be the year before you started your alternative energy program, the year before you installed a retrofit, or the year before you, the new energy contractor, were hired, or just some year in the past that you want to compare current usage to. In this example, we would select the year of utility data before the installation of the solar electric system. We will call this year the Base Year(4).

Figure 1.5: Cooling Degree Days (

Then we calculate degree days for the Base Year billing periods. Because this example is only concerned with cooling, we need only gather Cooling Degree Days (not Heating Degree Days). A section on calculating Degree Days follows later in the chapter. For now, recognize only that Cooling Degree Days need to be gathered at this step.(5) Figure 1.5 presents Cooling Degree Days over two years.

Figure 1.6: Finding the relationship between usage and weather data. The blue dots represent the utility bills. The red line is the best fit line. (

To establish the relationship between usage and weather, we find the line that comes closest to all the bills. This line, the Best Fit Line, is found using statistical regression techniques available in canned utility bill tracking software and in spreadsheets.

The next step is to ensure that the Best Fit Line is good enough to use. The quality of the best fit line is represented by statistical indicators, the most common of which, is the R2 value. The R2 value represents the goodness of fit, and in energy engineering circles, an R2 > 0.75 is considered an acceptable fit. Some meters have little or no sensitivity to weather or may have other unknown variables that have a greater influence on usage than weather. These meters may have a low R2 value. You can generate R2 values for the fit line in Excel or other canned utility bill tracking software.(6)

This Best Fit Line has an equation, which we call the Fit Line Equation, or in this case the Baseline Equation.(7) The Fit Line Equation from Figure 1.6 might be:

Baseline kWh = (5 kWh/Day * #Days) + (417 kWh/CDD * #CDD)

Once we have this equation, we are done with this regression process.

Let’s recap what we have done:
We normalized Base Year utility bills and weather data for number of days in the bill.
We graphed normalized Base Year utility data versus normalized weather data.
We found a Best Fit Line through the data. The Best Fit Line then represents the utility bills for the Base Year.
The Best Fit Line Equation represents the Best Fit Line, which in turn represents the Base Year of utility data.

Base Year bills ≈ Best Fit Line = Fit Line Equation

The Fit Line Equation represents how your customer used energy during the Base Year, and would continue to use energy in the future (in response to changing weather conditions) assuming no significant changes occurred in building consumption patterns.

Once you have the Baseline Equation, you can determine if you saved any energy.

How? You take a bill from some billing period after the Base Year. You (or your software) plug in the number of days from your bill and the number of Cooling Degree Days from the billing period into your Baseline Equation.

Suppose for a current month’s bill, there were 30 days and 100 CDD associated with the billing period.

Baseline kWh = (5 kWh/Day * #Days) + (417 kWh/CDD * #CDD)

Baseline kWh = (5 kWh/Day * 30) + (417 kWh/CDD * 100)

Baseline kWh = 41,850 kWh

Remember, the Baseline Equation represents how your customer used energy in the Base Year. So, with the new inputs of number of days and number of degree days, the Baseline Equation will tell you how much energy the building would have used this year based upon Base Year usage patterns and this year’s conditions (weather and number of days). We call this usage that is determined by the Baseline Equation, Baseline Usage.

Now, to get a fair estimate of energy savings, we compare:

Savings = How much energy we would have used this year – How much energy we did use this year

or if we change the terminology a bit:

Savings = Baseline Energy Usage – Actual Energy Usage

where Baseline Energy Usage is calculated by the Baseline Equation, using current month’s weather and number of days, and Actual Energy Usage is the current month’s bill. Both equations immediately preceding are the same, as Baseline = “How much energy we would have used this year”, and Actual represents “How much energy we did use this year.”

So, using our example, suppose this month’s bill was for 30,000 kWh:

Savings = Baseline Energy Usage – Actual Energy Usage

Savings = 41,850 kWh – 30,000 kWh

Savings = 11,850 kWh


Cooling Degree Days (CDD) are roughly proportional to the energy used for cooling a building, while Heating Degree Days, (HDD) are roughly proportional to the energy used for heating a building. Degree Days, although simply calculated, are quite useful in energy calculations. They are calculated for each day, and then are summed over some period of time (months, a year, etc.).(8)

Figure 1.7: Determining the balance point using a kWh/day vs. Outdoor Temperature graph (

In general, daily degree days are the difference between the building’s balance point and the average outside temperature. To understand degree days, then, we first need to understand the concept of Balance Points.

Buildings have their own set of Balance Points for heating and for cooling – and they may not be the same. The Heating Balance Point can be defined as the outdoor temperature at which the building starts to heat. In other words, when the outdoor temperature drops below the Heating Balance Point, the building’s heating system kicks in. Conversely, when the outdoor temperature rises above the Cooling Balance Point, the building starts to cool.(9) A building’s balance point is determined by nearly everything associated with it, since nearly every component associated with a building has some effect on the heating of the building: building envelope construction (insulation values, shading, windows, etc.), temperature set points, thermostat set back schedules if any, the amount of heat producing equipment (and people) in the building, lighting intensity, ventilation, HVAC system type, HVAC system schedule, lighting and miscellaneous equipment schedules, among other factors.

In the past, before energy professionals used computers and utility manager software in their everyday tasks, degree day analysis was simplified by assuming balance points of 65F for both heating and cooling. As a result, it was easy to publish and distribute degree days, since everyone calculated them using the same standard (that is, using 65F as the balance point). It is more accurate, though, to recognize that every building has its own balance points, and to calculate degree days accordingly. Consequently, you are less likely to see degree days available, as more sophisticated analysis requires you to calculate your own degree days based upon your own building’s balance points.(10)

Figure 1.8: kWh /day vs Average Outdoor Temperature (

To find the balance point temperature of a building, graph the Usage/Day against Average Outdoor Temperature (of the billing period) as shown in Figure 1.7. Notice that Figure 1.7 presents two trends. One trend is flat, and the other trend slopes up and to the right. We have drawn red lines signifying the two trends in Figure 1.8. (Ignore the vertical red line for now.) The flat trend represents Non-Temperature Sensitive Consumption, which is electrical consumption that is not related to weather. In Figure 1.7, Non-Temperature Sensitive Consumption is roughly the same every month, about 2450 kWh per day. Examples of Non-Temperature Sensitive Consumption include lighting, computers, miscellaneous plug load, industrial equipment and well pumps. Any usage above the horizontal red line is called Temperature Sensitive Consumption, which represents electrical usage associated with the building’s cooling system. Notice that in Figure 1.8, the Temperature Sensitive Consumption only occurs at temperatures greater than 61F. The intersection of the two trends is called the Balance Point, or Balance Point Temperature, which is 61F in this example.

Notice also that, in Figure 1.8, as the outdoor temperature increases, consumption increases. As it gets hotter outside, the building uses more energy, thus the meter is used for cooling, but not heating. The Balance Point Temperature we found is the Cooling Balance Point Temperature (not the Heating Balance Point Temperature).

Figure 1.9: kWh/day vs Average Outdoor Temperature (

We can view the same type of graph for heating usage in Figure 1.9. Notice that the major difference between the two graphs, is that the Temperature Sensitive trend slopes up and to the left (rather than up and the right). As the outdoor temperature drops, the building use more electricity to heat the building.

Now that we have established our balance point temperature, we have all the information required to calculate Degree Days. If your graph resembles Figures 1.9, you will be using Heating Degree Days. If your graph resembles Figure 1.8, you will be using Cooling Degree Days.

Figure 1.10: Daily Usage Normalized to Production and Weather. The Baseline Equation is Shown at the Bottom of the Figure (


More and more energy professionals are coming to understand the value of normalizing utility data for production in addition to (or instead of) weather. This works if you have a simple variable that quantifies your production. For example, a computer assembly plant can track the number of computers produced. If a factory manufactures several different products, for example, disk drives, desktop computers, and printers, it may be difficult to come up with a single variable that could be used to represent production for the entire plant (i.e. tons of product). However, since analysis is performed on a meter level rather than a plant level, if you have meters (or submeters) that serve just one production line, then you can normalize usage from one meter with the product produced from that production line.

Figure 1.10 presents normalized daily usage versus production for a widget factory. The baseline equation for this normalization is shown at the bottom of the figure. Notice that Units of Production (UPr) as well as Cooling Degree Days (CDD) are included in the equation, meaning that this normalization included weather data and production data.

School districts, colleges, and universities often normalize for the school calendar. Real estate concerns, hotels and prisons normalize for occupancy. Essentially any variable can be used for normalization, as long as it is an accurate, consistent predictor of energy usage patterns. Again, these normalizations can be performed by specialized utility bill tracking software, or using spreadsheets.


Weather varies from year to year. As a result, it becomes difficult to know whether the change in your utility bills is due to fluctuations in weather, or due to your alternative energy system, or both. If you wish to use utility bills to determine energy savings from your alternative energy system with any degree of accuracy, it is vital that you remove the variability of weather from your energy savings equation. This is done using the weather normalization techniques described in this paper. You may adjust your usage for other variables as well, such as occupancy or production.

1) What are the alternatives? The most common might involve determining savings for each of the energy conservation activities using a spreadsheet, or perhaps even a building model. Both of these alternative strategies could require much additional work, as the alternative energy contractor likely has employed several strategies over his tenure. One other drawback of spreadsheets is that energy conservation strategies may interact with each other, so that total savings may not be the sum of the different strategies, and finally, spreadsheets are often projections of energy savings, not measurements.

2) Cooling degree days are defined in detail later in the chapter, however a rough meaning is given here. Cooling Degree Days are a rough measure of how much a period's weather should result in a building’s cooling requirements. A hotter day will result in more Cooling Degree Days, whereas a colder day may have no Cooling Degree Days. Double the amount of Cooling Degree Days should result in roughly double the cooling requirements for a building. Cooling Degree Days are calculated individually for each day. Cooling Degree Days over a month or billing period, are merely a summation of the Cooling Degree Days of the individual days. The same is true for Heating Degree Days.

3) Some energy professionals select 2 years of bills rather than one. Good reasons can be argued both for choosing one year or two years. Do not choose periods of time that are not in intervals of 12 months (for example, 15 months, or 8 months could lead to inaccuracy).

4) Please do not confuse Base Year with Baseline. Base Year is a time period, from which bills were used to determine the building’s energy usage patterns with respect to weather data, whereas Baseline, as will be described later, represents how much energy we would have used this month, based upon Base Year energy usage patterns, and current month conditions (i.e. weather and number of days in the bill).

5) Canned energy software does this automatically for you, while in spreadsheets, this step can be tedious.

6) The statistical calculations behind the R2 value, and a treatment of three other useful indicators, T-Statistic, Mean Bias Error, and CVRMSE are not treated in this chapter. For more information on these statistical concepts, consult any college statistics textbook. (For energy contractors, a combination of R2 values and T-Statistics is usually enough.)

7) Baseline Equation = Fit Line Equation +/- Baseline Modifications. We cover Baseline Modifications later in this chapter.

8) You would not sum or average high or low temperatures for a period of time, as the result would not be useful. However, you can sum degree days, and the result remains useful, as it is proportional to the heating or cooling requirements of a building.

9) If you think about it, you don’t have to treat this at the building level, but rather can view it at a meter level. (To simplify the presentation, we are speaking in terms of a building, as it is less abstract.) Some buildings have many meters, some of which may be associated with different central plants. In such a building, it is likely that the disparate central plants would have different balance points, as conditions associated with the different parts of the building may be different.

10) If you calculate degree days by hand, or using a spreadsheet, you would use the following formulae for your calculations. Of course, commercially available utility manager software that performs weather nomalization handles this automatically.

For each day,
HDDi = [ TBP – ( Thi + Tlo ) / 2 ] x 1 Day+
CDDi = [ ( Thi + Tlo ) / 2 – TBP ] x 1 Day+

HDDi = Heating Degree Days for one day
CDDi = Heating Degree Days for one day
TBP = Balance Point Temperature,
Thi = Daily High Temperature
Tlo = Daily Low Temperature
+ signifies that you can never have negative degree days. If the HDDi or CDDi calculation yields a negative number, then the result is 0 degree days for that day.

Heating and Cooling Degree Days can be summed, respectively, over several days, a month, a billing period, a year, or any interval greater than a day. For a billing period (or any period greater than a day),


Take a look back to Figure 1.3, where you may have noticed that there are more than twice as many Cooling Degree Days (CDD) in August 2005 than in August 2004. Because Cooling Degree Days are roughly proportional to a building’s cooling energy usage, one could rightly assume that the cooling requirements of the building would be roughly double as well.

John Avina is Director of Abraxas Energy Consulting and has worked in energy analysis and utility bill tracking for over a decade. Learn more about finding the right utility bill tracking program, energy savings, and energy management at Blog51273
Macintosh Blog63806

What Exactly Is MP4?

You know most of the time you find yourself downloading all kinds of stuff, including mp4s, mp3s and the like, but what about the technical end of it. What is MP4?

Mp4s or rather the term mpeg-4 was developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization). It is a format specific for multimedia, the most common uses are for digital audio and video, and it is a certain type of container that holds all this information. It can contain other data as well such as subtitles and still images. You should also note that mpeg-4 is identical to QuickTime MOV format. In fact any kind of data can be inserted into MP4.

MP4 is getting more and more popular. In fact, it is now very popular to people who use the latest iPod players and PSP owners. This type of file compression is now providing a way to store DVD quality movies at a very small size. This type of file compression is known as the MPEG4 format.

Because most users may get confused at the initial concept of what MP4 is, it is what is in the MP4 that is even more confusing since the extension has been used primarily for music tunes and not movies. Therefore, what is stored in an MP4 is more than you can imagine for the most part. In addition, those other extensions have been used for MP4s, (which is audio from an iTunes store), to m4a (which includes such things as chapter markers, images, and hyperlinks). In addition, of course m4b (which has the ability to work with IPODs, where m4a files cannot. So most of the time when you find a file with the extension of mp4 or m4v, then they have both the audio and video aspects.

Let us not forget of course that they can contain codecs as well. Therefore, as you can see there is much to learn about what MP4 is, so let's summarize;

MP4 Can include and contain audio, video and also still images (like pictures), and all kinds of other data, making it a diverse file to use.

MP4 can contain other types of competing technology e.g. ogg, vob, ratdvd, divx media format, Matroska (mkv) and others to name a few.

In addition, how about some of the compatible hardware or software that mp4s can work with? Such as in software: Amarok, Banshee music player, 3ivx, foobar2000, GOM player, iTunes, Media player classic, QuickTime player, Realplayer, VLC media player, and so forth, as for hardware: Kiss 1600, Apple iPod, PSP (playstation portable), Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Nokia.

Therefore, to answer the question what MP4 is, well, it is technology at its best!

Indeed, the MP4 technology can now make entertainment much more convenient than ever before. So, next time you think of downloading your favorite movies to your computer to transfer to your portable multimedia device, try thinking of MP4. Just make sure that your multimedia devices are capable of reading the MP4 format.

Sandra Stammberger owns and operates MP4Linell Blog9001
Kirby Blog88844

Corporate Identity: It's More Than a Logo

Lets say youre the marketing director of a professional services firm, the director of corporate communications, or the company president. You know youre good at what you do and that your company provides outstanding services. Whats troubling you is the dissonance between these outstanding services and the level of corporate marketing collateral and the web site. Youre worried that marketing communications are sending mixed messages and thwarting business development efforts. In fact, corporate literature design has become a reactive process, often driven by the need for a piece for an upcoming event. With clients and prospects savvier than ever, youre concerned that the right image for business has not been created.

Creating image is the job of a visual identity system. It is the result of the integration of business goals and creative design. It defines the use of typography, image, color, layout and logo to reflect your business, making certain that all communications send a singular message. A system will provide the underlying architecture for all external and internal communications, ensuring a consistent presentation from corporate literature design to signage.

Musical Chairs

Creating a visual identity is a process that begins by switching seats with clients and prospects to view your business from their perspective. As seen from your former seat, the variety of ways to interact with your business can look like a series of unrelated events. On the surface there doesnt appear to be a relationship between corporate collateral, public relations initiatives, interior office space design, and the web site. To an individual client or prospect though, these internal and external touchpoints combine to create a single picture of your business. More than passing impressions, these imprints become ones collective Experience of your business. There is no official port of entry into this world. Where someone may enter your sphere cannot, and should not, be controlled. Having many points of entry is optimum. Therefore, it is crucial that the Experience be consistent from portal to portal. Clients and prospects will find it confusing if different encounters send different messages about your firm. The danger to business is that your Experience is spinning without thoughtful input, creating a hodge-podge world of mixed messages and images, all featuring the corporate logo.

Lets apply this Experience principle to corporate literature design. In this scenario, youre the marketing director of a mid-sized law firm. Each of your firms clients works with a multi-disciplinary team of attorneys who solve a variety of legal needs across a spectrum of issues. This forward-thinking structure is the unique factor that distinguishes your firm from among the top 10 in your city. Is it enough to state this in the firm brochure or in each practice area brochure? What type of design approach would visually reinforce that message to a prospect looking for a firm of conservative risk-takers? If the content says conservative risk-takers, but the presentation says only conservative, dissonance has been created. If the content says creative and forward-thinking, but the presentation says stodgy, or, if the content says high level of expertise and the presentation says low production values, message and presentation are not aligned. Design and message need to reinforce one another. A seamless integration of content and presentation is a winning combination. Anything less will result in confused prospects.

Who Are You?

What Experience do you want to create for clients and prospects? The answer to this question begins with a definition of your business. This groundwork needs to be in place before a designer can determine how anything may look. Many professionals find the following questions a good place to begin:

who are our key clients, existing and targeted;
what are their major concerns and issues;
what skills, resources, strengths, experiences do we have that will address these concerns;
what do we want clients/prospects to know about us (exclude the obvious: we have a combined 100 years of experience; we provide fresh, creative solutions; we provide top-notch support and follow-through; we listen to our clients);
which clients/industries make up the largest portion of business now; how do we want that to change;
how would clients describe us;
is there a discrepancy between how the company is perceived in the market and how we perceive ourselves;
is there a discrepancy between current perception and how the business looks to us in 5 years;
what messages about the company, positive and negative, are being delivered by current corporate literature design?

Try thinking of the business as a who rather than an it and sketch a personality. Start with obvious adjectives (casual, formal, friendly, quiet) to get them out of the way, allowing for more idiosyncratic and differentiating descriptions to emerge. Anything goes during this stage of the process. Leave the editing for later.

Honest and thoughtful answers will drill below the surface, where unique ideas are born. A definition of your company will emerge that truly distinguishes it and its Experience. All creative decisions to come will support this definition as a designer translates it into a visual statement. When linked with business goals and objectives, these creative decisions become strategic rather than capricious. For example, a monochromatic color palette will send a different message than one that features bright, primary colors. Additionally, just because your computer system has 200 fonts, doesnt mean it makes sense to use them all. Depending on the messages to be supported, a family of traditional fonts may be selected over those that are contemporary. Or a sophisticated combination of traditional and cutting edge typestyles may make the best visual statement. What about imagery? Would it be better to use photos or would illustrations best reflect the message? Architecture firms often prefer large site photos and minimal copy, allowing the work to speak for itself. In this scenario a flexible layout grid would need to be created to accommodate a variety of projects. Creative options are endless; consistency is the key.

As a dynamic entity, the Experience must be defined with care given to the messages it will deliver and the type of responses they must generate. Provide value by crafting content that illustrates your working knowledge of the major issues for clients and prospects. While it is good to know that a company has many years of experience, these we messages, (we have 100 years of experience, we have won many awards, we understand) will not resonate like messages that mirror a situation that a client or prospect is facing. The former is a monologue, the latter mimics a dialogue by demonstrating knowledge of issues, understanding of consequences, and an ability to envision and craft solutions.

The same principle applies to web site design and content. Several years ago there was widespread panic to get a web site out there. Many companies did just that: got something out there. They mistook action for progress. Today these sites are being gutted because they cost a lot and generated little. Listing resum content is acceptable, but shouldnt drive the site design. It creates a monologue where there should be dialogue. Visitors to the site must be able to pick up their issue thread on the home page. A web site is not confined by binding or page count. Take advantage of the medium to let prospects easily find exactly what they are looking for. This is how to avoid creating a digital brochure. Refer back to the definition exercise and review your list of client issues. Demonstrate to users that not only do those of us at Our Company understand these issues, we have anticipated questions and furnished answers, so please click here. This provides real value, imparting working knowledge that can make the site a reference point.

Maybe Later

This process of defining the Experience, the business, and visual identity is a difficult exercise. It lends itself to procrastination and excuse-making. Do any of the following sound familiar?

Were too busy to deal with this now.
I dont have the budget to do this.
We know we should do this, but weve decided to give it another year to see where business goes first.

If you find yourself thinking that youre too busy, remember that identity is all about perception. At the same time that you and your staff are hard at work, corporate collateral is working too, creating an Experience of your company for people you may never have met, who may be working for firms youve never heard of, or ones youve been trying to get into. Communications that align with the Experience will support your efforts and strengthen business. A disconnect will generate headaches that will make their way to the top of your to-do list.

Budget is an ongoing concern. Time and money were invested in those one-off pieces created for that upcoming event. A system will eliminate costs incurred reinventing the design decision wheel. Laying a strong visual foundation first and adding components (literature program, web site, advertising, etc.) in phases will ensure that the pieces developed today will work with those added next year. Each addition to the system, even if it is for a one-time event, will add equity to the logo and support name recognition efforts.

If you want to give it all a little more time, ask yourself why. As temporary solutions, existing communications will be out of alignment with your Experience and confusing to prospects and clients. The marketplace is moving too fast to lose position through confusion. During that same timeframe an identity could begin to develop a presence, planting seeds for the future. Because it is about perception and capturing the essence of the Experience, a visual identity will provide a solid foundation for expansion. The strokes are broad enough to accommodate transitions and adjustments. Imagine the system as a structure: too narrow in its vision and it will be quickly outgrown.

Everyone is clamoring for clients or prospects attention. Noise in the marketplace is loud. With a visual identity that has thrown your companys Experience out of alignment, its voice is unable to strike the clear and resonant chord that will rise above the din. Intelligent design will bring a quiet symmetry to the Experience that will be clearly audible.

Carol Septow is Design Director at Septow Associates LLC in Chicago. Lucien Blog28215
Eudes Blog35811

College Football Betting And Nfl Betting Are Not The Same Thing

There are at least a half-dozen factors that separate college football betting from NFL betting. For starters, action on college football is much more likely to come from sophisticated bettors, known as "sharps" or "wiseguys", who often possess some insight or kernel of information that may provide them with an edge against the house. Experienced bet takers know not to treat heavy activity on an obscure game, such as East Carolina versus Wake Forest, as casually as they might deal with increased wagering interest on a marquee NFL game such as a Redskins-Cowboys confrontation. For that reason, bookmakers usually move college football betting lines quickly, often one full point at a time. In general, it takes more money to move an NFL betting line and, when it is moved, usually it is by only half a point.

Largely because of a lack of proficiency in the kicking game, key numbers such as 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13 and 14 are not nearly as sacrosanct in college football betting as they are in the NFL. College football games just do not fall on those numbers as often as they do in NFL contests.

We may never again see a three-touchdown favorite in the NFL but lines of -30, -40, or even -50 are not that uncommon in the college gridiron game. Oddsmakers and bookmakers also find college totals more difficult to gauge because some coaches try to impress those who have a vote in the polls by running up the score. Others, such as Penn State's Joe Paterno, feel that a third-string player's reward for practicing all week is to get to play in a blowout. Its just these types of unique uncertainties that compel bookmakers to shift college over/under numbers more quickly than they move NFL totals.

It's also the nature of college football that personnel change every year. This makes early season evaluation more difficult and leads bet takers to move lines and totals more quickly, especially in September and early October when the season is still young. There is personnel movement in the NFL too, of course, but mostly it involves players of established ability moving from team to team. In college football, you're always dealing with fresh faces.

By collective bargaining agreement, each week, the NFL publishes a comprehensive list of injured players and their status. Sure, there are mistakes and abuses and players who have been listed as "doubtful" have played while those regarded as "probable" have not but overall, the list is accurate. On the other hand, colleges are under no obligation to announce the status of injured or disciplined football players. This vagueness over availability sometimes can create opportunities in college football betting. Consequently, bookmakers are wary if too much wagering attention is paid to one team.

When it comes to parlay card numbers, you are much more apt to see a slight gap between those prices printed on cards and those posted on the board in the NFL than you are in college football. The key element is that bookmakers can more accurately predict the public inclination for an NFL game than they can for a college football game. Its not unusual then for traditionally popular team such as Dallas or a "hot" team such as Cincinnati, to be listed as a 7 1/2-point favorite on a parlay card but just a 6 1/2 or 7-point choice on the board. Through experience, bookmakers know that "public" teams such as the Cowboys, as well as "now" teams such as the Bengals, will be more aggressively played on parlay cards than they are straight up.

Clearly, understanding the differences between college football betting and NFL betting is essential to winning.


College Football:
Wiseguys frequently supply the action
College football betting lines often are moved by a full point at a time
Key numbers are not as important
Personnel changes can make early season analysis difficult
Information on injuries is not always accessible
Theres usually not a disparity between parlay card and board numbers

Money from public is prevalent
Betting lines are usually moved by a half-point at a time
Key numbers are VERY important
Personnel changes are less volatile and easier to evaluate
Information on injuries usually is accessible
Parlay card numbers sometimes are intentionally different than prices on the board.

By Luken Karel for . The Greek Sportsbook & Casino is host to one of the top online sportsbooks offering college football betting: NFL betting and betting on all other major sports. Article reproductions must link back to this site.Marguerite Blog98459
Lazare Blog89821

Designer Commercial Flooring Adds Grace to Perfect Ambience

Flooring is an important part of the interiors of any commercial complex. Be it your office, a restaurant or a discotheque, commercial flooring is meant to adorn every place and inch of that area. If the commercial flooring is of your type, then nothing can be best than this. The basic idea of applying any form of commercial flooring is to lend a meaning to the ambience of a place. Apart from giving a basic meaning, it is meant to glorify the commercial area so that it becomes inviting to visitors. Many people visit a restaurant or any other commercial complex because of its interiors.

Everything has to be best for your commercial area, as more and more visitors to that place means you will reap benefits. You would want that commercial flooring applied to your place should be of excellent quality, long lasting and looks beautiful with the other interiors of complex. It is quite natural that everyone wants to have the best and settling for the next is out of question in this case. As far as the commercial flooring is concerned, you are required to carefully select the type of flooring needed that can match up with the interiors. A variety of commercial flooring is available in the market. Hardwood, vinyl composite tiles, carpeted, linoleum, luxury solid vinyl, ceramic tile, granite, marble and solid vinyl are some of them.

Selection of the commercial flooring is all the more important. You are required to do a market search for best commercial flooring manufacturer and a commercial flooring contractor. These two people will be responsible for transforming the looks of your commercial complex. Commercial flooring manufacturer would have a variety of commercial flooring and in different colors. You can choose the color according to your preferences, so that it can give a wholesome feeling. Grey, cocoa, brown shades, green, pistachio, blue, cherry, black and golden oak are some of the colors that can fit your preferred choice.

Whatever type of commercial flooring is selected, all it matters is the effect that you get after applying the flooring. Perfection is what is needed in the matters of interiors of a commercial complex. It is because interiors will indirectly get you more and more customers. Just think of this case that fits in the matter of a restaurant. If the combination of ambience and food is perfect, then you would be a hit in among the crowds. Moreover, commercial flooring applied to the commercial complex reflects your taste. It shows that how concerned and particular you are in the matter of choosing best commercial flooring.

Nothing can be best than the thing that you get the best commercial flooring at a budgeted rate. It is not just you, but most of the people likes that their work should be done in less money. You will be a lucky chap, if you get designer commercial flooring within your allocated amount. Variety of commercial flooring manufacturers is present in the market, who offers designer commercial flooring at affordable rates. You just have to take care that the commercial flooring should be designer, classy and elegant at the same time.

Stephen Robins loves doing up and designing house interiors. He has been involved with advising people in finding out and using the best carpets for decorating their house and workplaces. If you want more information about Commercial flooring, Commercial Flooring Contractor, Vinyl flooring in New York visit Blog64335
Innocent Blog51778

Monday, February 4, 2008

Trashy Lingerie

The term trashy lingerie is used for a custom-made store in Los Angeles, for lingerie. The store enjoys a huge clientele and most of these clients are celebrities. Several supermodels have striked a pose in trashy lingerie. From Sophia Santi to Dita Von Teese and Julie Strain, all have come out with their best in trashy lingerie.

One of the most enthralling outfits, under the category of lingerie has been the creation of trashy lingerie.

These days, sexy costumes or uniforms have taken a special place in most womens life. They love adorning the most sensual outfit that is available under the sun. Trashy lingerie offers you an opportunity to bring out the best in you and make you look sensual by complimenting the amazing figure you already possess and enhancing our natural assets.

Adorning trashy lingerie is a way to make your partner fall in love with you, all over again. You can easily bring back the spark in your love life and naturally leads to a lot of foreplay with your spouse by wearing trashy lingerie. Trashy lingerie can also be used in bedroom based role play

This is a great way to be creative when it comes to projecting out your hidden fantasy. Try having a good selection of trashy lingerie in your wardrobe and you would see your romantic life getting perked up, instantly.

Get as naughty as you desire with trashy lingerie. You can easily find a good selection of leather lingerie, under the category of trashy lingerie.

The Internet is the best place to look out for trashy lingerie. There are several websites online that would offer you adept information on trashy lingerie and even sell you the best at affordable prices.

All you have to do is to sit at home conveniently and search for the type of trashy lingerie you desire to purchase. This is not all. You can also find out the latest in lingerie via visiting these websites.

Try purchasing something that would make you feel comfortable and compliment your style. Make sure that you feel comfortable and confident when you wear these clothes. Visiting one of the websites based on trashy lingerie would offer you a chance to purchase the best lingerie from a wide range of lingerie suppliers

Robert Stanley is an aspiring author and entrepreneur whose interests include communication, human relationships, love, dating, philosophy, lingerie and thongs. For more info on sexy thongs, lingerie and romantic dating ideas, visit Blog21292
Leela Blog82142

The Many Untold Benefits of Aromatherapy with Reed Diffusers

A unique way many Americans are creating sweet fragrances in their homes is by using aromatherapy with reed diffusers. It's nothing new; reed diffusers have been around for centuries. Europeans have been using reed diffusers for aromatherapy purposes for hundreds of years. The early practices of aromatherapy involved filling bottles with scented oils and using reed sticks to wick the fragrance. Sound familiar?

Reed diffusers have become more popular in the U.S. since the new millennium began. Many people are discovering the numerous untold benefits of reed diffusers and aromatherapy in general. Described below are just a few of its many benefits.

Sweet Fragrance for Every Room of Your Home

Aromatherapy with reed diffusers is a safe way to create wonderful fragrances in every room of your home. Reed diffusers can burn safely for hours without the risk of harmful flames. They add beauty and a touch of luxury to your home decor and make great centerpieces. Reed diffusers also add a relaxing "feel" to every room. They are easy to maintain and can last as long as several months. Unlike candles, reed diffusers offer aromatherapy without fire risks in apartments, office buildings and dorms.

Home Decor Aromatherapy for the Holidays

Invigorate your guests during the holiday season with aromatherapy. There are many scents to choose from no matter what time of the year. During the holidays, you can spice up every room with scented reed diffusers created specially for the occasion. Your guests will be relaxed and will enjoy their stay!

Aromatherapy Gives Inspiration

The sense of smell is powerful in that it affects the way we think and feel. How do you feel when you smell a sweet floral fragrance or a food-type fragrance? How do you feel when you smell licorice or smoke? The affects of aromatherapy are amazing!

Studies show that patients who lose their sense of smell often become depressed or develop anxiety. Why? They are unable to relate to the environment around them. It also affects the taste of foods. Imagine visiting your favorite restaurant with no sense of smell. You would probably not feel like eating at all because you would not be able to relate to the foods that are being cooked.

When you want inspiration, use reed diffusers to create an inspirational aroma in your home or office. Use fragrances that are appealing to you and those that make you feel relaxed or inspired.

Health and Beauty with Aromatherapy

Various types of aromatherapy are available on the market, including bath and skin oils, lamps, massage oils, inhalation products, etc. Aromatherapy is believed to help improve a number of health or skin conditions such as depression, grief, fear, panic attacks, dermatitis, varicose veins, eczema, burns, bruises, motion sickness, colds, flu, sore throat, and more. Check with your doctor before using aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is not designed to replace professional medical care, but it can help supplement certain treatments. It's a way to take control of your own well-being and create balance in your life.

As you can see, there are many fabulous benefits of using aromatherapy with reed diffusers. They are a great alternative for scented candles while still providing the wonderful aromas you desire!

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comLiza Blog56319
Julia Blog95887

An Insight Into Online Bachelor Degree Programs

If you are an undergraduate and working, you can improve your career and living by pursuing an online bachelor degree course. It may not be possible for you to go for study for a college degree, but you can do an online one without disturbing your present schedule of work and staying where you are now. What you need is a computer and an internet connection at your home. Wherever you are in any corner of the United States you can pursue an online bachelor degree course.

An online bachelor degree is also affordable. Studying in a college online for a degree may cost you in average $12,000 a year, but an online program will cost much less. Costs vary between colleges. Before you opt for any course and college, it is very important that you must do a little research about the cost and the programs. Also, by choosing an online program from an institution in your home state, you can save a great deal of money. For example, an online degree from Florida Gulf Coast University has tuition costs of only $12,410 if you are a Florida resident and for non-residents, the fee more than triples to $45,902. Some employers also provide tuition assistance to their employees. So before choosing an education online program, check with your employer and find out if they provide tuition assistance. If the degree you select is work-related, chances are good that your employer will provide at least part of the costs.

Some affordable bachelor degree online programs are Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from East Carolina University, Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from Fort Hays State University, Bachelor of Science in Business and Management from the University of Wyoming, Bachelor of Science in Communications by University of Phoenix, Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management - Liberal Studies by Ashford University, B.S. in Communication by Kaplan University, BA-English/Professional Writing by Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Arts in Communication by Regent University and BS in Communication by Drexel University.

Besides, there are hundreds of colleges and universities providing bachelor degree online in Accounting, Applied Management, Business Administration, Business Communications, Business Information Systems, Business Leadership, eBusiness and eCommerce, Economics, Finance, Hotel and Hospitality Management, Human Resources, International Business, Management, Marketing, Organizational Management, Project Management, Real Estate and Small Business Management.

If you are interested in computer education, there are colleges and universities offering bachelor degree online in Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Security, Databases, Graphics and Multimedia, Information Systems, Information Technology, Internet Networks, Programming, Software Engineering, Technology Management, Telecommunications, Web Design and Web Development. Walden University, University of Phoenix, Saint Leo University, National American University, DeVry University, Ashford University, Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology Colorado Technical University Online, Columbia Southern University, Capella University , American InterContinental, University Online University of Maryland University College / UMUC Online, Strayer University, Regis University, Drexel University and Western Governors University are providing these bachelor degree courses.

Before you go for any of the course in any of the online universities, check the credibility and validity of the program. There are frauds moving around so beware of them.

Manu Geol is a senior editor at You can read more articles from him on the KeyDegree website. Find the "Key" to earning your Degree now, and unlock you future!Elisabeth Blog33509
Lorette Blog78669