Capricorne Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How SEO Companies Create Gateway Pages

If you are thinking of hiring a professional SEO expert or a search engine positioning company one thing you might want to ask them is whether or not they are intending to create doorway pages, also known as gateway pages to optimize your site. This is a common tact of many SEO companies that is used to propel websites to the top of the search engine pages quickly but it is not necessarily a technique that is embraced or condoned by the search engines themselves. This works as long as a search engine like Google does not catch you and penalize you for spamming.

Still creating these gateway or doorway pages is the main service that search engine optimization experts actually enhance a site. What are they exactly? They are pages that these search engine-positioning companies create independent of your site that are stuffed with keywords and then submitted to the search engines. Of course these pages also have a link to your site.

Creating all of these pages is easier for these SEO companies then you think. Many of them use automated software like WebPosition Gold (WPG) to generate pages that will rank high for a search engine. Using a program like this an SEO company can create different doorway pages that are tailored to attract the different

These positioning companies will even go to the trouble to create different gateway pages for each search engine, using the WPG Page Critic function. This tool tells Webmasters what keyword density each engine supposedly wants to see (based on past results), and how many times you should put particular keyword phrases into the text and meta tags of the gateway pages. Rather than spend thousands on a professional you can get a copy of this program or one like it for under $200 (and even less if you look for similar products on Clickbank.)

Chris Angus is a website Promoter He can be contacted at chris (at)

Chris Angus is a website Promoter He can be contacted at chris (at) Blog75856
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